A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position — JOHN MAXWELL

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson is without a doubt a man of courage, vision and passion. Only very few since Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has impacted so many lives around the globe. From America to the continent of Africa he has touched the lives of the poor and disenfranchised. In 1984 and 1988 when he ran for United States Presidency under the banner of the Democratic Party he used to make reference to that if one was born in the slum, the slum was not born in them.

Don’t look down on somebody unless you are helping them up
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr.

As a preacher, progressive and pragmatic political activist he used the power of oratory and charisma to lift up those suffering various types of injustice and marginalization. His passionate speeches probably saved few Union jobs when it seemed workers’ rights are being infringed upon. His politics opened doors of opportunities in 1984 and 1988 when he ventured into the orbit of partisan politics and actually won stated and millions of votes.

Today as he fights to surmount present health challenges, i have no doubt he is not a quitter but a fighter and will overcome any adversity to continue standing tall representing the values and ideals he has always espoused for the common man.

With reverence and utmost respect, i wish him the best as he will no doubt continue to keep the flag flying for all still struggling to make it in this and other society. His courage, his vision and his passion will continue to inspire him to continue to fight for all represented in the Rainbow Quilt.